SilverQuest Consulting

Donald's presentation was delightfully entertaining, engaging, and motivating. . . the evening was filled with laughter and enjoyment. As a direct result of a very satisfied audience, four members of the audience stepped up to volunteer their time and skills to the Dallas Section ASQ. Thank you, Donald!

Kiami Rogers, Chair, American Society for Quality Dallas Section 1402


Develop Leaders and Teams


Successful Leadership means taking a clear, powerful vision and producing outstanding results. Although there are certainly natural born leaders, leadership is a skill that can be developed. It is not dependent on personality although certain personalities seem to seek leadership more than others. It is not dependent on environment although certain environments tend to cultivate successful people. It is dependent on a strong commitment and a sound strategy to identify, train, and develop leaders throughout your organization.

Warren Bennis, the guru of leadership, identified seven characteristics of effective performing leaders:

  • Business literacy — does the leader know the business?
  • People Skills — does the leader have the capacity to motivate and bring out the best in people?
  • Conceptual Skills — does the leader have the capacity to think systematically, creatively, and inventively?
  • Track Record — has the leader done it before and done it well?
  • Taste — does the leader have the ability to pick the right people?
  • Judgment — does the leader have the ability to make quick decisions with imperfect data?
  • Character — is the leader a person of integrity?

Do your leaders possess all seven of these qualities? Here at SilverQuest we can help you train and develop your leaders. Through personality and skills assessment we can identify potential leaders and move them forward in their responsibilities. We can help you develop a customized training program so your leaders learn what they need. Your organization will only rise to the level of the leaders you have. What level are you now? For more information see:

Leadership Traning

Customized Training


Synergy means that a group of people working together with a high level of intensity, cooperation, and focus can accomplish much more than the sum total of their individual efforts. An example of this principle is a flock of geese that gain 71 percent greater flying range than if each goose flew alone. Synergy comes from high performing teams comprised of individuals who are motivated and inspired to achieve great things together.

The organizations that have successful team strategies are achieving extraordinary levels of productivity and morale. Team strategy is not a fad but a continuing necessity and driving force for performance. In his book The Performance Factor Pat McMillan has identified the characteristics of high performing teams:

Clear, common purpose

Effective team processes

Crystal clear roles

Solid relationships

Accepted leadership

Excellent communication

Here at SilverQuest we can help you develop teams that have these characteristics. We can help you create a team structure for your organization. We can provide team training and develop team leaders. We can help you create team-building and problem-solving exercises. Our approach to team building includes the following elements:

  • Analyzing team improvement needs
  • Making teams effective
  • Making team decisions
  • Leading and managing team meetings
  • Probing team issues before they become problems
  • Solving team problems
  • Creating team energy and unity
  • Stimulating creative team thinking
  • Enhancing team dialogue and communication

For more information on improving your organization’s teams, see


Organizational Re-design

Supply Chain Management


A cross-functional team (CFT) is a group of people that come together from different functional areas to make recommendations or decisions about processes, products, or services. Although team members are usually employees, suppliers or customers can also be team members.

The benefit of a CFT is to integrate and maximize the various capabilities and knowledge within the organization to achieve a particular task. The cross-functional teams many times have the responsibility to implement the decisions they make and the changes they recommend. Many organizations structure their company based on cross-functional teams. The next step up from cross-functional teams is self-managed teams.

We at SilverQuest can help you put together cross-functional teams and train your team members to work together for success. For more information see:


Organizational Re-design